Channel: Gemstones
Category: Education
Tags: cintamani stone storymayan jewelrynathan drakegemstonescintamani stonejadeuncharted movieuncharted 2turquoiseamethystuncharted 3naughty dogps4unchartedps3gravel butter dubaicoraluncharted treasuressullynathan drake collectionjewelry televisionjewelrymesoamericaobsidianlarge ambercintamani stone realaztecamberincasinca jewelryjtvancient jewelrygemstone jewelrygemsbiggest ambertom hollandmayanuncharted 2 cintamani stone
Description: Grab a cigar, a map, and get ready for the adventure of the lifetime! Uncharted is one of our all time favorite game franchises and we just love the gems and jewelry that we run into as we take Nathan Drake on globe trotting journey to discover hidden treasures around the world! Rob is here to take you through some of our favorite collectibles across the first 3 games as well as focus on the mysterious Cintamani stone! Subscribe to Check out our Gemopedia: is one of the leading experts on gemstones and is the best source on YouTube for all things gem related. Featuring gem history, the science behind the stones, gemstones in pop culture, and much more, you too can become a gemology expert by immersing yourself in the channel. Robert has his Cert GA from the Gemmological Association of Great Britain. Website: Facebook: Instagram: #Gemstones #Uncharted #CintamaniStone #Turquoise